Page 9
Sample book
Low risk for rescuers
Low risk for rescuers
Medium risk for rescuers
Medium risk for rescuers
High risk for rescuers
High risk for rescuers
Figure 9.3 Rescue techniques
Illustration after Royal Life Saving Association
Learn basic rescue methods
One award you can qualify for in your local swimming pool
is the bronze star available from the Royal Lifesaving Society
of Australia (Figure 9.1).
Some of the things you will need to do for this award include:
• swim 200 metres in still water and 25 metres fully clothed
• swim 10 metres underwater and tread water for 3 minutes
• identify dangerous local swimming spots and list the
conditions that would make them dangerous
• demonstrate some rescue methods as shown in Figure 9.3.
The web pages shown in Figure 9.2 give information about
this award. The Surf Life Saving Association, Kids Alive
do the Five and Surfing Australia are other associations that
have training for school students.
Figure 9.1 Life saving manual
Royal lifesaving society of Australia
Figure 9.2 Life saving web sites
Wet Paper
1. Learn to tie some knots
used by mariners, such
as the bowline.
2. Visit a shop that sells
sailboards. What safety
equipment is necessary
for this sport?
3. What is a
dan buoy
how is it used in sailing?
4. What is a
how is it used as a safety
5. Wha t t ypes o f f i r e
extinguishers are used
to fight different types of