Page 13
Sample book
Figure 13.1 The Australian Maritime College (AMC) in Tasmania
Wet Paper
Commercial use of the sea
Training is an essential part of any commercial operation at
sea and organisations such as the Australian Maritime College
specialise in training seafarers.
Basic training occurs on land where the trainees learn how to
launch and retrieve a lifeboat from a vessel. In special pitch-
black rooms (Figure 13.2) filled with jets of water and the
sounds of howling winds, students learn to jump into the sea
and experience the fear of abandoning a ship at sea, at night
and in rough conditions in a marine safety course for mariners.
Other courses include the elements of ship board safety, fire
fighting, first aid and life raft drill.
Class activity
Building a raft
Acommon introductory exercise in marine studies classes is to
build a raft as shown in Figure 13.3. Learning to tie common
knots, working as a group, working with safety gear on are
very important skills.
Some common knots used in marine situations are shown
below. See if you can decide which ones would be most useful
in the raft building exercise.
Figure of eight
Reef knot
Sheet bend
6. Explain the procedure for
enrolling in a boating or
sailing course.
7. Design a water safety
brochure for a swimming
poo l body co r po r a t e
meeting. Prepare a budget
for its production.
8. Make up a list of safety
rules for a home pool.
9. Visit Surfing Australia's
web site and find out how
to do a learn to surf class.
Figure 13.2 Life raft drill AMC
Ruth Farley
Simone Baker
Figure 13.3 Raft building
Bowline bend
Rolling hitch
Round turn and two
half hitches