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Sample book
10. Research different types of
flares used by mariners at
sea. Describe each one and
how they work.
11. Research what an RFD is,
what it contains and how it
is used .
12. Outline the main reasons for
the international regulations
for prevention of collisions at
13. What types of signals are
used by a water skier?
14. Make a collection of boating
safety pamphlets and report
on how they are used to
improve water safety.
15. Research how to get out of
a car accidentally driven into
deep water.
16. Design a safety sign for a
marine sport eg: surfing,
boating, sailing, canoeing,
Figure 14.1 Assess the situation carefully.
Wet Paper
Water and weather conditions
The ocean can be a potentially dangerous and inhospitable
place for the unwary person. Always take the time to assess
the conditions and make a realistic decision in relation to your
ability level. There are certain times when the ocean is not
suitable for any level of activity. Severe rips, rough conditions,
boat ramps and entry points are just a few things to consider
before entering the water.
Key words
Alcohol, arm leashes, buoyancy vests, cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, chart, commerce, drowning, emergency position
indicating radio beacon, fire extinguisher, fishing, flares,
flotation device, international law of the sea, life jacket, life
raft, lycra shirt, marine radio, PFD, raft building, recreation,
resuscitation, rough sea conditions, safety devices and
equipment, safety line, signalling light, simple rescue skills,
surf rip, surfing, TL1 logbook, warning signs, water safety.
Revision sheet
1. How many Australians drown each year?
2. Where does drowning ‘rate’ in the cause of accidental
death in Australia?
3. What causes the most accidental deaths in your State?
4. What problems have been identified as being important in
these drownings?
5. Draw a pie chart of Figure 4.1 to show the location of
accidental drownings in Australia.
6. Are there any differences between number of males and
females who drown?
7. Are there any differences between age groups?
8. Suggest some situations where drownings may have
occurred when the victim did not mean to go into the water
9. Identify the dangers around a home swimming pool.
10. What items should be at every poolside?
11. Suggest a set of helpful owner rules of pool items/design
that may help cut down drownings.
12. List one danger for each of the following
a. Rock fishers
b. Young children at the pool
c. Surfers
d. Water skiers
e. Snorkellers
f. Power boating