Reef Activities - page 14

C) Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Dangerous reef creatures
In each of the spaces below write an appropriate name from the range of animals illustrated on
worksheet A.
(a) Molluscs which inject venom using a harpoon
(b) Red-and-white fish which sting using venomous spines
(c) Feathery white animals whose polyps contain stinging cells
(d) Hard brown-coloured colonies with yellow, smooth tips
(e) Bottom-dwelling fish with venomous barbs on whip-like tail
(f) Plagues of these echinoderms have
occurred at some reefs
(g) Animals which dwell on the surface of the sea and which are
hazardous in northern parts of the Great Barrier Reef
area in summer months
(h) Material from the slimy outside of these animals
must not be allowed to get into your eyes
(i) These dull-coloured fish are well camouflaged.
Wear stout shoes when reef-walking.
Khaki animal colonies which look like brown clumps of fern
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