Reef Activities - page 24

3. Depending on what you see, try to answer some of these questions:
(a) Ghost crabs. Where are they going? What are they doing? What is their
reaction to light? How do they behave when frightened? Are there
different populations from one side of the island to the other? What was
the biggest one you saw?
(b) Fish. Can you spot any small sharks or fish in the shallows? What do they
to be doing? Do they seem to be affected by your torch light?
(c) Spiders. Spider spotting can be fun! Do their eyes glow? Are the eyes
different colours? Can you identify species by
colour? How
many different species can you spot?
(d) Luminous life. Look back at your footprints in the sand. Can you see
glowing dots in the sand? Can you still see them when you shine the torch
on them? Pick them up, observe with a hand lens. Who can find the
largest and the brightest? Put them on your face, hands, arms. Make
yourself a glowing skeleton. How long does each animal glow? Do
different areas have greater abundance (wet sand, dry sand, north, south,
east or west aspect)?
(e) Molluscs. Look on the beach rock. Can you find any giant chitons? How
many? What are they doing? Who can find the largest one? What other
molluscs are active at night?
(f) Turtles. If you are visiting in the laying season, how many turtles were
seen during your walk round the island? What species? Did there seem to
be different numbers at different places on the island? Can you track a
turtle? Can you tell the difference between tracks of animals heading for
the land or the sea?
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