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Surfrider Local Envirogroup Manual

This product is proudly Australian Made

ISBN : 1-86283-041-X

Published Date : 01 January 1996

Product Code : F 65P 1996

Format : pdf file for download

By Matt Keys

Wet Paper publications non-commercial school licence

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Teachers Information


John Clowes (WaterWise Queensland) Surfrider Foundation National Office, Mamie Kent, Greg Howell, Brad Farmer and other members of the Surfrider Foundation Australia who contributed to photographs. Surfrider Foundation Corporate Sponsors- Quiksilver, Rip Curl, Billabong, Wet Paper, Hot Tuna, Gowings, Finch, Ocean & Earth, Oakley, Thin Air, City Beach, Cheetah, Surf Travel Company, Sally MacKinnon and Mark Moffatt


This booklet contains the following chapters


  • Why start and is it worth it?
  • How to form a local committee 

Getting down to business

  • Problem identification
  • problem study
  • problem solving
  • lobbying  

Let's start working

  • Project planning and implementation etc
  • Campaigning - Environmental campaigning, medias etc
  • Networking with other groups - Landcare, beach watch
  • Tips including writing/developing a constitution
  • Membership rules