Report writing guide

ISBN : None allocated
Published Date : 01 January 2003
Product Code : 2003 TAFE
Format : Free PDF for download
by Paula Moffatt B.A., Dip Teach., MBA
Former Associate Director Business Studies and Lecturer in Business Communications and Administration Gold Coast Institute of TAFE
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Teachers Information
Writing an effective report for work or study may seem a daunting task, whether it is a first attempt or not. Like any task you don't do regularly, it helps to have a format to follow. Check if your computer has a report template, or create your own!
The headings and layout presented in this publication will help YOU stay on track.
- This will mean that THOSE WHO READ YOUR REPORT should find it easy to follow the information you present and be impressed by your professional approach.
Section 1: Key criteria that an effective report should meet
Section 2: How to go about your report task and complete a professional effort every time
Section 3: The required report format: what goes where ... page by page content notes as well as writing and presentation tips