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Oceanography Exercises Teacher's Guide E pub

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ISBN : 978-1-86283-164-3 (E Pub)

Published Date : 12 January 2015

Product Code : F37P

Format : Downloadable pdf lifetime licence


By Bob Moffatt

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Part A: Oceans - answers 

A1. What does the topography of the ocean look like?
A2. What part of the world oceans does Australia own?
A3. What major geological movements have occurred in Australia?
A4. What happened in ice age Australia?
A5. What is climate change and how does it affect the ocean?
A6. How do ocean currents form?
A7. How does the El Niño current affect thermoclines in the sea?
A8. What effect does El Niño cause?
A9. What is so special about the EAC?
A10. What is so special about the Leeuwin current?
A11. When do Australian ocean sea temperatures change?
A12. How is marine life in Australia governed by ocean temperature?
A13. What causes Tsunamis?

Part B: Coastlines - answers 

B1. What are some characteristics of waves?
B2. How fast do waves travel?
B3. How does weather affect waves?
B4. What happens when currents approach a shore?
B5. How is sand made and transported in a coastal system?
B6. Why do tides change over the month?
B7. What happens to waves as they approach a beach?
B8. How does sand get onto a beach?
B9. What are sand dunes and how are they made?
B10. Can we classify sand grain sizes found on a beach?
B11. Can we determine the percentage composition of sand on a beach?
B12. How do you draw a beach profile?
B13. How do the dune cycles occur?
B14. What happens when the dune cycle is broken?
B15. When is beach nourishment a solution to coastal management?
B16. Can we make a model to identify coastal ecosystems?
B17. Can we use a template to show wave refraction?

Part C: Seawater and pollution - answers 

C1. How much plastic pollution is there in the sea?
C2. How much salt is in seawater?
C3. Can we make and establish a test for seawater?
C4. Can we determine how much oxygen there is in seawater?
C5. What effect does marine pollution have on dolphins?
C6. Why is DDT a problem in the marine food chain?
C7. What are some of our seas contaminated with?
C8. What effect does oil have on feathers?
C9. What happens in an oil spill?
C10. What impact do acid sulfate soils have on the sea?
C11. What effect does water quality have on the marine environment?
C12. How can impacts of coastal development be minimised?


Appendix 1 Sample tests
Appendix 2 Field work activities
Appendix 3 Laboratory work
Appendix 4 Classroom activities
Appendix 5 OHT or worksheet illustrations 


The following are in the appendices with page numbers

Appendix 1 Sample tests 78
1.1 Beaches ........................................................................ 78
1.2 Seawater and pollution ................................................. 81

Appendix 2 Field work activities 85
2.1 Can we measure currents in the field? ......................... 86
2.2 Point break ................................................................... 90
2.3 Knots and rope ............................................................. 91
2.4 Making a secchi disc ..................................................... 92
2.5 Measuring turbidity ....................................................... 94
2.6 Make a water sampler bottle ......................................... 96
2.7 Make a field thermometer ............................................. 97
2.8 Photic zone and turbidity .............................................. 98
2.9 Temperature and depth ................................................. 99
2.10 Tides and currents ........................................................ 100
2.11 Salinity and pH .............................................................. 102
2.12 Dissolved oxygen .......................................................... 103
2.13 Making sand sieves ...................................................... 104
2.14 Wheelhouse instruments .............................................. 106
2.15 Plankton sample ........................................................... 107
2.16 Making a beach walkway .............................................. 108

Appendix 3 Laboratory work 110
3.1 Weather front demonstration ........................................ 110
3.2 Can we measure seawater density? ............................. 111
3.3 How do offshore winds occur? ...................................... 115
3.4 Can we recover salt from the sea? ............................... 118
3.5 Beach formation and erosion processes ...................... 120
3.6 Wave velocity ................................................................ 122
3.7 Wave refraction and sand movement ........................... 124
3.8 Materials used in boats ................................................. 127
3.9 Orbit fields ..................................................................... 128

Appendix 4 Classroom activities 130
4.1 The active beach system .............................................. 130
4.2 Management of longshore drift ..................................... 132
4.3 Model ocean and coastline bathymetry ........................ 134
4.4 Bay model ..................................................................... 137
4.5 Delta model ................................................................... 138
4.6 Estuary model ............................................................... 139
4.7 Offshore island model ................................................... 140
4.8 Headland model ............................................................ 141
4.9 Seamount model ........................................................... 142
4.10 Practice essay on beach erosion .................................. 143
4.11 Currents around Australia and New Zealand ................ 144
4.12 Forces that cause ocean water to move ....................... 146
4.13 Ballast water problems ................................................. 148
4.14 Drain stencilling ............................................................ 151
4.15 Attitudes and values ..................................................... 152
4.16 Sea rights - three level guide ........................................ 154
4.17 Territorial waters and the Australian Fishing Zone ........ 156
4.18 Trade waste .................................................................. 158
4.19 Adopt an NGO .............................................................. 160
4.20 MESA Seaweek and Ocean Care Day ......................... 162
4.21 Become a reef guardians school .................................. 163
4.22 Riparian habitat assessment ........................................ 164
4.23 Water velocity in a catchment ....................................... 166
4.24 Sourcing litter pollution ................................................. 168
4.25 Conflicts ........................................................................ 170
4.26 Dilemma exercise ......................................................... 172
4.27 Writing a newspaper article .......................................... 174
4.28 Future problem solving ................................................. 176
4.29 Managers and user groups ........................................... 178
4.30 Management proposals ................................................ 180
4.31 Controversy at Hypothetical Bay? ................................ 182
4.32 Best environmental practices ........................................ 188
4.33 Problem solving ............................................................ 192
4.34 Should Whale Bay have a marine protected area? ..... 194
4.35 Images essay ................................................................ 207
4.36 Traditional management methods ................................ 208

Appendix 5 OHT or worksheet illustrations 210
5.1 Seas and oceans .......................................................... 210
5.2 Ocean formation ........................................................... 211
5.3 Ocean depth and topography ....................................... 212
5.4 Australia topography ..................................................... 213
5.5 World currents ............................................................... 214
5.6 Coastline summary ....................................................... 215
5.7 Ice age sand movements .............................................. 216
5.8 Hypothetical Bay ........................................................... 217
5.9 Hypothetical Bay development ..................................... 218
5.10 Sand dune profile .......................................................... 219
5.11 Sand dune systems ...................................................... 220
5.12 Beach nourishment methods ........................................ 221
5.13 Boulder walls ................................................................ 223
5.14 Beach erosion and housing development ..................... 224
5.15 Sand bypassing system ................................................ 225
5.16 Seawater and light ........................................................ 226
5.17 Seawater and pH .......................................................... 227
5.18 Web page password and activities ............................... 228 

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