Navigation 2nd Ed worksheet answers Ebook

ISBN : 978-1-86283-145-2
Published Date : 16 November 2014
Product Code : F08P
Format : Downloadable pdf lifetime licence
By Bob Moffatt and Bruce Parmentier
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Teachers Information
Worksheet answers to the 2nd edition of Navigation Workbook
Worksheet 1 Research and review
Worksheet 2 Library/internet research
Worksheet 3 Questions
Worksheet 4 What day is it?
Worksheet 5 Magnetic fields
Worksheet 6 Using a hand bearing compass
Worksheet 7 Making a compass rose
Worksheet 8 Your local chart
Worksheet 9 Hypothetical Bay
Worksheet 10 Your own chart
Worksheet 11 Chart features
Worksheet 12 Latitude, longitude, nautical miles
Worksheet 13 Distance, speed and time
Worksheet 14 Compass conversions
Worksheet 15 LOP’s
Worksheet 16 Compass courses
Worksheet 17 Chartwork
Worksheet 18 Position fixing
Worksheet 19 Laying off and plotting
Worksheet 20 Set and drift
Worksheet 21 Choosing an objective
Worksheet 22 Where are we?
Worksheet 23 Rule of twelfths