Marine environment exercises (2025 E Pub)

ISBN : 978-1-86283-157-5 (E Pub)
Published Date : 01 January 2025
Product Code : F 24P
Format : Free PDF for download
by Bob Moffatt and MTAQ marine teachers 1990 - 1998
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Teachers Information
Consultants and contributors
Dave Claridge
Marine Education Consultant, Maryborough
Graham Anderton
South Fremantle Senior High School
Gwen Connolly
St. Augustine’s College, Cairns
Sue Cerato
Benowa State High School
Len Couzins
Benowa State High School
Peter Hamlyn
North Mackay State High School
Lindsay Holthouse
Senior Secondary Assessment Board, SA
Tony Isaacson
Hallett Cove High School, SA
Geoff Jensen
Innisfail State High School
Phil King
Coffs Harbour High School
Kym McKauge
Department of Primary Industries
Ken Maclean
Babinda State High School
John Maloney
St. Augustine’s College, Cairns
Greg McGarvie
Pioneer SHS College, Mackay
Mick O’Connor
Ballina State High School
Mark Rickard
Benowa State High School
Pamela Rutledge
St. Hilda’s School, Perth
Kathy Steggles
Whitsunday Anglican School, Mackay
John Smith
Environmental Education Consultant, SA
Jan Thornton
Sea World
Tim Ryan
Maryborough State High School
Alan Wolfe
South Fremantle Senior High School
Support Material
Suggested answers
Section 1 Non - living aspects of the sea
Exercise 1 Sea water salts
Exercise 2 Salinity
Exercise 3 Sea water density
Exercise 4 Waves
Exercise 5 Longshore drift
Exercise 6 Longshore drift field work
Exercise 7 Forces that cause ocean water to move
Exercise 8 Ocean Currents
Exercise 9 Currents around Australia and NZ
Exercise 10 Local currents
Exercise 11 Ocean shapes
Exercise 12 Hypothetical bay
Exercise 13 Hypothetical reef
Exercise 14 Beach formation and erosion processes
Exercise 15 Orbit fields
Exercise 16 Sand per cent composition
Exercise 17 Beach profiles
Exercise 18 The active beach system
Exercise 19 Beach erosion mind mapping
Exercise 20 DDT in the food chain
Exercise 21 Management of longshore drift
Exercise 22 St. Vincent Gulf
Exercise 23 Practice essay on beach erosion
Exercise 24 Methods used to combat oil pollution
Exercise 25 Marine oil pollution
Exercise 26 Effect of oil on feathers
Exercise 27 Oil spill in Hypothetical Bay
Exercise 28 Point break
Exercise 29 Making a beach walkway
Exercise 30 Seawater test
Exercise 31 Beaches test
Section 2 Living components of the sea
Exercise 32 Key Terms
Exercise 33 Plankton of your local area
Exercise 34 Plankton three level guide
Exercise 35 Life cycles
Exercise 36 Associations
Exercise 37 Sponges
Exercise 38 Adaptations of plankton
Exercise 39 Anemones and corals
Exercise 40 Fish dissection
Exercise 41 Sharks and rays
Exercise 42 The importance of mangroves
Exercise 43 Seagrasses
Exercise 44 Mangrove transect
Exercise 45 Mangrove life cycles
Exercise 46 How to build and use a plankton net
Exercise 47 Sampling methods
Exercise 48 Osmosis
Exercise 49 Environmental effects of freshwater
Exercise 50 Rocky shore habitats
Exercise 51 Rocky shore life
Exercise 52 Looking at marine life
Exercise 53 Barnacles
Exercise 54 Gastropods
Exercise 55 Algae
Exercise 56 Corals
Exercise 57 Echinoderms
Exercise 58 Cephalopods
Exercise 59 Crabs
Exercise 60 Rocky shore ecosystem study
Exercise 61 Drawing food chains
Exercise 62 Marine ecosystems
Exercise 63 Adaptations
Exercise 64 Phytoplankton
Exercise 65 Seaweeds
Exercise 66 Adaptations of fish
Exercise 67 Streamlining
Exercise 68 Viscosity
Exercise 69 Buoyancy
Exercise 70 Density of sea water
Exercise 71 What makes adaptations necessary
Exercise 72 Comparing and contrasting mangroves and estuaries
Exercise 73 Sand dune plants
Exercise 74 Prawn dissection
Exercise 75 How to set up a marine aquarium
Exercise 76 Food chains
Exercise 77 Artemia life cycle
Exercise 78 Fibreglass fish
Exercise 79 Pressing seaweeds
Exercise 80 Turtles
Exercise 81 Sea birds
Exercise 82 Marine mammals
Exercise 83 Classification
Exercise 84 Fish classification
Exercise 85 Seaweed classification
Exercise 86 Underwater slate
Exercise 87 Nekton test
Exercise 88 Benthos test
Exercise 89 Research questions
Section 3 Commercial uses
Exercise 90 Abalone stock
Exercise 91 The Australian herring
Exercise 92 South east fishery
Exercise 93 Ecotourism
Exercise 94 Mariculture
Exercise 95 Aquaculture projects
Exercise 96 Shipping
Exercise 97 Ecotourism survey
Exercise 98 Is tourism good for the community?
Exercise 99 Ballast water problems
Exercise 100 Positive and negative effects
Exercise 101 Starfish pest study in Hypothetical Bay
Exercise 102 Marpol
Exercise 103 Master Mariners story
Exercise 104 At the fish shop
Exercise 105 Prawn fishery economics
Exercise 106 The Orange Roughy
Exercise 107 Adopt a ship
Exercise 108 Commercial fishing game
Exercise 109 What type of farm for me?
Exercise 110 Aquaculture Research
Exercise 111 Test
Section 4 Management and conservation
Exercise 112 Key Terms
Exercise 113 Attitudes and values
Exercise 114 Ecological sustainable development
Exercise 115 Sea rights - three level guide
Exercise 116 Territorial waters and eez
Exercise 117 Multiple Use
Exercise 118 Management strategies
Exercise 119 Why are MEPA's necessary?
Exercise 120 Trade waste
Exercise 121 Local management issues
Exercise 122 Adopt an NGO
Exercise 123 MESA Seaweek and Ocean Care Day
Exercise 124 Live fish exports
Exercise 125 Oil and gas
Exercise 126 Locations of Australian fisheries
Exercise 127 Conservation principles
Exercise 128 Riparian habitat assessment
Exercise 129 Water velocity in the catchment
Exercise 130 Sourcing litter pollution
Exercise 131 Conflicts
Exercise 132 Dilemma exercise
Exercise 133 Writing a newspaper article
Exercise 134 Future problem solving
Exercise 135 Venetian Island
Exercise 136 Tweed river walls
Exercise 137 Managers and user groups
Exercise 138 Management proposals
Exercise 139 Hypothetical bay 2010
Exercise 140 Controversy at Hypothetical Bay?
Exercise 141 Best environmental practices
Exercise 142 Problem solving
Exercise 143 Images essay
Exercise 144 Whale Bay game
Exercise 145 Traditional mana egement methods
Exercise 146 Drain stencilling