Power boating workbook 1st Ed (E Pub)
ISBN : 978-1-86283-181-0 (E Pub)
Published Date : 01 June 2024
Product Code : F 69P
Format : Free PDF for download
Graham Rogers and Bob Moffatt.
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Teachers Information
Written for the 1996 Queensland BSSS Boating syllabus topic
Introduction - The skippers general safety obligations (GSO), risks with using boats
Section 1 Boat systems - Hulls, flotation, stability and freeboard etc
Section 2 Pre-trip checks & maintenance - Boat seaworthiness check, routine maintenance to ensure vessel seaworthiness, proper loading and stability checks etc
Section 3 Basic skills - Mount an outboard motor, launch and retrieve a boat, start and stop an outboard motor, depart a beach, return to a beach, drive a boat on the plane, depart from a dock, dock at a jetty, moor at a buoy
Section 4 Safety equipment - Life jackets/personal flotation devices (PFDs), EPIRB's, personal items etc
Section 5 The boating rules - International rules, buoyage system A etc
Section 6 Trip planning, main features of a weather chart, tides etc
Section 7 Regulations National standards and regulations, State regulations etc
Section 8 Emergencies, make an emergency stop, towing , anchoring, rescue a simulated man overboard, use a radio, deal with a capsize, flooding or grounding, capsized, flooded or grounded boat, basic first aid etc
Glossary of terms
The publisher would like to thank the following for assistance in compiling this publication.
- Australian Communications Authority
- Australian Maritime Safety Authority
- Chubb Fire Extinguishers
- John Wiley
- Kelvin Rogers
- Marine Teachers Association of Queensland
- Matt Petersen
- Mick O'Connor
- Pains-Wessex Schermuly
- Queensland Transport - Maritime Division
- Queensland National Parks and Wildlife
- Sally Flynn
- Seaworld Services
- St Mary's College Maryborough
- Students and staff of Benowa, Ballina, Clontarf Beach and Mackay State High Schools TAFE Publications NSW
- Terry Fitzgerald
- Tim Ryan
- Trent Moffatt Designs
- WaterWise Queensland