Coastal Studies for high schools

ISBN : 1 86283 025 8
Published Date : 01 January 1990
Product Code : F 60P 1990
Format : pdf file for download
By Bob Moffatt
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Teachers Information
This book seeks to increase student awareness of some of the forces that shape our coastline, the natural behaviour of beaches, sediment flow, how man has interfered with this, and some management issues relevant to coastal land development in the hope that future generations will know and understand more, so that they can adopt codes of behaviour consistent with effective management practices.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of The Gold Coast City Council, Qld Beach Protection Authority, Science Teachers Association of Queensland, Brisbane South Regional Marine Studies Project for their assistance in the trailing of this book as well as assistance from the following individuals in researching the content for chapters, illustration and photography:- Colin McMurtrie, Colleen O'Moore, Kirn Lomas, Rose Bedford, Kelvin Rodgers and Rob Heaney. The publishers wish lo thank the following for their assistance with photographs. In each case individual credit has been given. Queensland Beach Protection Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Gold Coast City Council, Tourist Commissions of New South Wales. Victoria, South Australia and Northern Territory, Allan Nicholls, Hcaneys Printing Factory, Australian Surfing Life and Brothers Neilsen.
Special thanks:
Special thanks to Angus Jackson, Gold Coast City Council, Bundall, Queensland and Sam Smith, Coastal Processes and Research. Broadbeach Waters Queensland, who read the manuscript for accuracy in coastal engineering processes.
Unit 1 Waves
- Wave Formation Shoaling Waves
- Waves and Coastlines
- Wave Mathematics
Unit 2 Beaches
- Coastal landforms
- Sand
- Wave and Beach Interactions
- The Dune System
Unit 3 Case study in coastal development
- Human Influences
- Our Gold Coast
- Management Issues
- Your Case Study
Resources and references