Archive publications - A Wet Paper Legacy Project
1976 Gladstone SHS Camping Notes
Price: $0.00
First set of notes written for new Multistrand Science syllabus topic - Science for Recreation
1979 Snorkeling classroom notes
Price: $0.00
First set of notes written to see if students could learn biology and physics concepts better through personal experiences in the ocean. One L cause the book I used as a big reference was from the USA.
1980 Oceanography classroom notes
Price: $0.00
Gladstone Oceanographic Studies Program (GOSP) unit 1 classroom notes for the draft Qld Board of Studies Multistrand Science Syllabus
1980 Marine Biology classroom notes
Price: $0.00
Gladstone Oceanographic Studies Program (GOSP) unit 2 classroom notes for the draft Qld Board of Studies Multistrand Science Syllabus
1982 Coast and estuarine biology
Price: $0.00
This trial STAQ booklet was written for draft multi strand science syllabus topics: Science Technology and the Environment and Ecology.
1982 STAQ Coastal physics
Price: $0.00
Unit written by Bob Moffatt for the Qld Multistrand Science syllabus topic Man resources and the environment
1982 STAQ Estuarine chemistry
Price: $0.00
Written for Multistrand Science Nature of Science and Matter and Materials
1982 STAQ Field methods
Price: $0.00
Written for Multistrand Science Nature of Science and Matter and Materials
1982 STAQ Geology and Navigation
Price: $0.00
For Multistrand Science Syllabus topics: Atmospheric Environment and Science for Recreation
1983 STAQ Boating science and practices
Price: $0.00
Trial unit on Boating for new marine studies syllabus ideas
1983 STAQ Coastal and Estuarine Biology
Price: $0.00
First set of notes on plankton, nekton and benthos.
1984 BSMSP Coastal physics
Price: $0.00
Unit written by Bob Moffatt for the Qld Multistrand Science syllabus topic Man resources and the environment
1983 STAQ Field Methods
Price: $0.00
Marine Science activities from a small boat and on a jetty or river bank.
1983 STAQ Navigation classroom notes
Price: $0.00
Reworked unit on navigation for Multistrand Science syllabus
1984 Ed Qld Marine Studies Syllabus
Price: $0.00
First Marine Studies Syllabus written for Queensland schools
1985 BSMSP Estuarine chemistry
Price: $0.00
Chemical techniques for analysing seawater collected from a boat in an estuary
1985 BSMSP Snorkelling unit classroom notes
Price: $0.00
Content to trial the 1984 Marine Studies Syllabus Topic 3: Swimming and diving
1985 BSMSP Marine Studies Implementation Guide
Price: $0.00
1985 Qld Marine Studies Implementation Guide by Bob Moffatt
1986 Snapshot Qld Marine School programs
Price: $0.00
Newspaper cuttings and photos of schools equipment
1988 The Barrier Reef World 1st Ed
Price: $0.00
Set of classroom notes and activities for students who could not afford a school reef trip
1989 An Introduction to Boating
Price: $0.00
This booklet has been written for the DRAFT Qld Marine Studies Board of Secondary School Studies Syllabus.
1989 GBRMPA Project Reef Ed
Price: $0.00
Over 100 activities that can be on on a reef field trip - Thanks GBRMPA
1996 State of marine environment report
Price: $0.00
This book contains the data tables for activities in our book Marine Science for Australian Students
1999 MTAQ Marine Olympics Manual
Price: $0.00
Thanks MTAQ members 1988 - 1998 esp Dan Stewart and Phil Smith Details how to run a marine safety day.
2005 MTAQ Junior syllabus, workshop and history
Price: $0.00
Thanks Sheree Bell, Kelly Goodingham and Bob Moffatt MTAQ Junior Marine Syllabus for Qld.
Surfrider Human Impact on Australian Beaches 1996
Price: $0.00
Report on state of Australian Beaches data collected by Surfrider Foundation members 1995 - 1996