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1989 An Introduction to Boating

This product is proudly Australian Made

ISBN : 1 86283 000 2

Published Date : 01 January 1989

Product Code : 1989 Wet Paper

Format : pdf file for download

These boating notes were now taking shape and having been trialled now for almost 10 years from our earlier 1979 ideas in Gladstone, contained activities that were possible with high school students.  The 90 odd pages formed the basis of all power boating books to follow as well as the syllabus topics for the new marine studies Qld syllabus.

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Course topics included

1. Ropework:-including at least uses and applications of a clove hitch, round turn and a two half bitch, bowline, figure of eight, sheetbend

2. Rowing and anchoring of boats

3. Starting an outboard motor and driving it round a set course:, bringing it back safely to shore

4. Mixing two stroke fuels in a given ratio

5. The shapes, differences, advantages and disadvantages of planing, semi-displacement, displacement hulls and multi.hulls

6. Different sailing craft rigs. ie; multihull, sloop, cutter, cat, gunter, schooner, ketch and yawl

7. Terminologies applicable to most boat types:-hull, bow, stern, gunwale, chine, transom, deck, cleat, bollard, propeller, tiller, rudder, keel, oars, rowlocks, stoppers, port, starboard, bilge, navigation lights

8. Correct methods of anchoring using a danforth anchor.

9. Correct methods for coilage and stowage of rope

10. Planing a boat

11. Making a figure of eight at speed while crossing the wash

12. Recover an object from the water

13. Mooring at a jetty

14. Demonstration of the difference between 4 and 6 knots

15. Demonstration of the boating rules as set out by the Department of Harbours & Marine

16. The components of an outboard motor

17. The more important controls of a powerboat

18. Fuel storage and supply systems for outboard motors

19. The areas designated for boating and skiing in their local anea

20. Diagnosis of simple mechanical problems associated with marine engines

21. Navigation lights

Teachers Information

This booklet has been written for the DRAFT Qld Marine Studies Board of Secondary School Studies Syllabus. It is also applicable to the AYF federation 1L3 course :and DEVET Course CN 738, subject TEG 120, Safe Operation of small craft.

The course seeks to develop the following attitudes:-
1. The importance of obeying consistently the boating rules both inside and outside of school hours
2. Caring uses of the local waterways by not creating excess wash or littering the foreshore
3. Tolerance of others by being patient at boat ramps and helping each other load and unload boats and equipment
4. Willingness to help clean up and maintain equipment  

Wet Paper Publications would like to thank the following for their assistance in the design and trialling of this module:
Terry Balsom, Dennis Bridger, Steven Byers, Carol Clavery, Cyril Connell, Department of Harbours and Marine, Tony Failes, Fabian Fay, Jill Green, Steve Hall, Shirley Henney, Jim Baker, Rob Heaney, Staff Heaneys Printing Factory, John Howard,.Ann Kenny, Meran Kilgour, David Kopelke, Greg Martin, Steve McCabe, John McGregor, Graham Mitchell, Mark Moffatt, Greg Moffatt, Paula Moffatt, Thelma Moffatt, Trent Moffatt, Victor O'Kiffe, Sue Oats, Kelvin Rodgers, Sea World, Students and Staff of Benowa State High School and Gladstone State High Schools, Mark Warne, Jim Shefield, Rod Waldon, Bill Dobbie, and Nerang Arts and Graphics.  


  • Chapter 1 : Before setting out
  • Chapter 2: Your first lessons
  • Chapter 3: Acquiring new skills
  • Chapter 4: Getting your licence
  • Chapter 5: Minor repairs and maintenance
  • Chapter 6: How your engine works
  • Appendix: Assignment work and copyright free sheets Boating certificate