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1984 Ed Qld Marine Studies Syllabus

This product is proudly Australian Made

ISBN : None allocated

Published Date : 01 July 1984

Product Code : 1984 Ed QLD

Format : Free PDF for download

By Bob Moffatt

Copyright Qld Government

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Teachers Information

In 1984 ... 

This is a condensed version of a more fully developed document that was available from the Secondary Transition Education to Employment Project (STEP) of the Queensland Department of Education. At the time of publication, the Syllabus was intended for Senior Secondary school students who did not wish to seek Tertiary entry. 

The syllabus was designed, if taken in its entirety, to constitute a school work programme and could be given accreditation from the Queensland Board of Secondary School Studies as a board registered School subject.

It was hoped that in the not too distant future, to have a number of schools trial the syllabus as a pilot course so that it may gain accreditation for a Board of Secondary School subject that will qualify students for tertiary entrance.

This booklet was written based on the curriculum development with STAQ and the programs at Benowa and Gladstone State High Schools.

 The 10 units include

1. Navigation - 10 hrs

2. Boating 45 hrs

3. Swimming and diving 15 hrs

4. Commercial and recreational use of the sea 30 hrs

5. Marine technology and research 29 hrs

6. Marine resources value and management 12 hrs

7. Marine history 10 hrs

8. Coastal studies 29 hrs

9. The oceans 10 hrs

10. Boat licence and excursion 20 hrs

Support Material

In 1985 a sample workprogram was developed for the syllabus.

The Education Department Syllabus and this workprogram lead to the creation of a Board Syllabus Committee in 1986, who wrote the 1992 Marine Studies Syllabus which counted for University Entry.

In 1996 Marine Studies was the fastest growing subject in Queensland with over 2,700 students enrolled.


1. Title

2. Level

3. Rationale

4. Global aims

5. Organisational notes

6. General objectives

7. Learning experiences

8. Development of an assessment program

9.  Resources

10. Safety


Jim Leach, John Pitman, Cyril Connell, Lyle Ferguson, Ken Gilbert, Science staff at Gladstone and Benowa State High Schools


by C. W. Connell, Deputy Director Secondary Department of Education 

July 1984

It is significant that Mr Bob Moffatt responded to the need for a Marine Studies Program in the year that the Australia II syndicate made the first victorious challenge for the America's Cup. Future challenges to be held in Australian waters will surely increase Australian consciousness of our Maritime aspirations. 

If we as Queenslanders have neglected to fully avail our­selves of our maritime heritage, publication of this program must rectify this situation.

Lord Hirschfield, Governor of the London School of Economics and President of Howarth International, stated on a recent visit to Australia that citizens of tomorrow world will have more money in their pockets, have an improved life style with greater leisure activities and cheaper goods. 

He envisages the hospitality industry with its allied services, becoming the boom industries of the future. Tourism already the second largest income earner for Queensland, must develop even further. 

The maritime industries, already so much a part of our tourist industry, must share in this development. 

The vision of Mr Bob Moffatt in designing this course, his attention to detail and his ability to relate the course to the needs of students have produced a program of great appeal to students and teachers alike. 

The program is drawn from not only Mr Moffatt's own extens­ive educational and recreational experiences but also the multitudinous marine expertise available on the Gold Coast. 

A Marine Studies Centre is at present being developed at Benowa State High School in order to establish the Marine Studies Program on its own home ground. Even though the project has been primarily aimed to cater for the local community, basic skills and tenets outlined in the program will be applicable to other marine situations. 

I have great pleasure in "launching" this Marine Studies Program; may it benefit all those who love the marine life. 

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