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1983 STAQ Navigation classroom notes

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ISBN : 0 9598303 7 5

Published Date : 01 August 1983

Product Code : 1983 STAQ

Format : pdf file for download

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Teachers Information

The unit was experimental and had many faults and failures.

If you ever want to build a trolley, you need plenty of room.  Its a good idea but needs plenty of time to get it right.

Some innvoative ideas could include:

  • Pilotage markers into the school and out of the school
  • Advisory signs overhead power lines - lower your mast or submerged cables 
  • Chanel markers


From the syllabus at the time:

Man lives on the surface of the earth on which he is dependent for food, clothing, shelter and movement. But he also lives at the bottom of an ocean of air. His survival is dependent on the exist­ence of favourable conditions of temperature, pressure and chemical composition of this surrounding atmosphere. The state of the atmos­phere is a major determinant of weather and hence influences our everyday existency. To understand, to appreciate and to survive in his immediate everyday environment, it is essential that man develops an understanding of the many factors, and their complex interrelation­ships, which influence the weather and the related atmospheric environment.


 One consequence of the rapid growth in the use of technology in our society is the increase of leisure time available. The demand for education in the sensible use of this leisure time provides a challenge to schools. Schools have the opportunity, indeed the responsibility, to provide a balanced curriculum which pays due attention to the development of potential recreational activities. The concept of this core topic is to encourage an appreciation of the role of science and scientific methods in recreational pursuits.

Survival techniques
This topic is concerned with providing the student with skills associated with his well being in outdoor studies which may be extended to adult life. Possible areas of study include navigation (e.g. celestial, orienteering), first aid, bushcraft (e.g. locating food and water, finding protection from the elements).   

From the syllabus at the time: 


Module objectives

Framework core
Suggested times, evaluation and resources
Specific objectives

  • Section 1: Characteristics of the coastal zone
  • Section 2: Coastal navigation
  • Section 3: Sample navigation excursion
  • Section 4: Estuarine navigation
  • Section 5: Weather and the small ships forecast