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1983 STAQ Coastal and Estuarine Biology

This product is proudly Australian Made

ISBN : 0 9598303 9 1

Published Date : 01 June 1983

Product Code : 1983 STAQ

Format : Free PDF for download


By Bob Moffatt 

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Teachers Information

This booklet was written for multi strand science syllabus requirements Science Technology and the Environment and Ecology.


The aims of this topic are to assist the student in developing: 

  • a recognition of the influence of science on contemporary society;
  • the ability to identify the impact of technological inn­ovation and to study the factors which govern it; and
  • those attitudes and values related to effective exercise of the citizen's role in controlling the products of science.

These aims may be viewed as arming the citizen with three levels of preparedness. They are the required knowledge, the necess­ary abilities, and the willingness to participate in the debate and decision making concerning science and its products. In order to ensure that people are not only informed but involved, it is important to give significant weighting to the Affective Objectives. Such aims encompass much of the broad perspective of the whole subject and thus may be attained by a variety of means. While it is possible to construct a single unit of work to promote the objectives of this topic, an alternative which may be preferred, is to incorporate such learning exper­iences into a number of work units whose principle focus is an­other of the topics (core or optional). In this way the inter­actions of science, technology and society could form an under­lying theme for much of the program. 

BOSSS Draft Syllabus 1982 


Life on earth depends on a delicate balance of events. Each living thing depends for its survival on other living things, on the physical characteristics of its immediate environment, and on energy from the sun. Any disruption to this delicate balance may threaten the life of living things, including man. 

This topic should introduce students to the many interrelated factors which govern this delicate balance of nature. Students should become conversant with techniques to study the environ­ment and man's effect upon it. They should attain a working knowledge of the principles of ecology, through a detailed study of a suitable ecosystem in their own environment. Field work would necessarily form an important part of this topic. 

In addition to basic ecological principles, various aspects of man's effect on this delicate balance e.g. pollution, use of technological controls, conservation, should be stressed where applicable. 

BOSSS Draft Syllabus 1982 

Australia's coastline forms a special place in our environment because over 90% of us live there. Due to different Ecological, Economic, Social and Recreational interests many conflicts arise over the use of our Estuaries, Beaches and Barrier Reefs. 

Sand Mining, High Rise development, Longline Fishing, Low water Land sales, Resort development and oil Pollution are but a few of the real issues that face us now. There is an urgent need for all  Australians to develop an attitude towards sensible resolution of these conflicts. 


The author would like to thank the following individuals for their criticism, inspiration and advice in both editions:- David Kopelke, Greg Martin, Graham Mitchell, Steve Hall, Sue Oats, Meran Kilgour, Tony Failes, Ken Gilbert, Kelvin Rodgers, Jim Baker, Vera Weitsz, Sue Cerato, Stanna Hodge, John Howard, Dianne Hempenstall, Ann Kermy, Dennis Bridger, Bob McAllistar, Cecily Gredden, Mel Phillips, Bill Baumann, John McGregor, Ann Summers, John Howard, Ian Hodge, Sue Oats, Gill Green, Kel Rodgers, Carol Clavery, Jill Green, Tony Failes, Steve Savvakis, Rob Heaney, Dave Read, Meran Kilgour, and especially the Brisbane College of Advanced Education lecturers David Tulip, Cam McRobbie, Jack Marsh, Keith Lucas and Cec Burr.

This set of notes is one in a series that hopefully will give students the skills necessary to become involved in these issues and make sensible contributions to coastal environ­mental decision making. In doing so I hope that the coastline may be managed in such a way that future Australians will derive as much pleasure out of it as I have. 

My thanks must go to S.T.A.Q. for providing the financial backing and support for this project. Thanks also to my Mother and Father who deciphered and typed my bad writing; and to Len Zell of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority who read and critised the draft and for making many useful contributions. As this is a first draft any comments would be gratefully acknowledged. 



  • Plankton groups 
  • Phytoplankton and zooplankton 
  • Jellyfish and seaweeds 
  • Food webs, chains and pyramids of the sea 
  • The Web of life 
  • Plankton nets 


  • Nekton types 
  • Squids, Sharks and Rays 
  • Fish and Turtles 
  • Birds and Marine Mammals


  • Benthos types 
  • Prawn Biology 
  • Oysters
  • Crabs and Scallops 
  • Pearls
  • Abalone and Mussels 

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