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1982 Coast and estuarine biology Trial

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ISBN : None allocated

Published Date : 01 May 1982

Product Code : 1982 STAQ

Format : Free PDF for download

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Teachers Information


In 1982 The Science Teachers Association of Queensland (STAQ), under the leadership of Celily Gredden, Bob McAllistar, Keith Lucas, Cec Burr, Jack Marsh, Cam McRobbie, and many others, agreed   to publish a series of trail marine studies notes with the help of the Brisbane Education Centre (John Quinlivan, Director and Judi Zoleki typist).  

This unit was part of a trial that Queensland High Schools purchased through STAQ for the new Multistrand Science Syllabus.

The Coastal and Estuarine Biology unit introduced teachers and students to the study of marine ecology through the interaction of plankton, nekton and benthos and was written to the syllabus topics Science Technology and the Environment and Ecology.

This was a first go at combining fisheries and marine biology with the view of putting marine science into an applied field.  

Many activities came from a workshop run by Drs Jack Marsh and David Tulip from the Mt Gravatt College of Advanced Education,  who ran a teachers workshop at the Boyne Island Field Study Centre in 1980.  

Here we were introduced to low cost field equipment and how plankton could be collected and identified.  The workshop was funded from the GOSP schools commission grant and lit the spark from which many of todays marine science experiments came from.

We also tried out the hatch meters that were supposed to meaure salinity and dissolved oxygen.

The DO was a nightmare and it relied on osmosis and to get the correct seals, just did not work.  Maybe some training would have been useful, but in those days all equipment arrived with a poorly written manual and it was really hard to figure things out.


Wet Paper Publications would like to thank the following for their assistance in the design  and trialling of this module: 

Celily Gredden, Bob McAllistar, Keith Lucas, Cec Burr, Jack Marsh, Cam McRobbie, John Quinlivan, Judi Zoleki, Science Staff Benowa SHS.


The Coastal and Estuarine Biology unit introduced teachers and students to the study of marine ecology.

The 3 sections were

  • Plankton
  • Nekton
  • Benthos

Class activities included

  • Plankton collection identification and analysis
  • Fish dissection and model making
  • Cooking a fish meal
  • Phytoplankton and Zooplankton microscopic identification
  • Jelly fish arm analysis
  • Pressing Sea Weeds
  • Dogfish dissection
  • Bony fish dissection
  • Pope poling
  • Fish ageing
  • Fish printing
  • Fish mobiles
  • Crab painting
  • Prawn life cycle and biology
  • Using a crustacean key for prawn ID

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