Reef Activities - page 71

64 "1
• To represent your impressions of the Great Barrier Reef in an artistic way.
You will need
• Pencils, charcoal, crayons, paper
• Coloured or black paper
• Cellophane
• Glue
• Origami paper
• Cotton gauze
Light card in several colours
• 3 kg plaster of Paris
• A basin
• A book on origami
• Roll of self-adhesive Contact
Fabric paint in red/black
• Stanley knife or razor blade
• Permit (where appropriate)
What to do
Select from these suggestions to express your feelings:
(a) Using paint, charcoal, pencil or other medium, depict the same scene at
sunrise, noon and sunset.
(b) Do reverse pictures (black/white) of trees, shells, coral, etc.
(c) Select a small portion of a large object or scene and draw the detail in a
"blow-up", using black or colour.
(d) Try drawing an enlargement of a grass seed, the stamen of a flower, the
opening of a shell, the junction of a twig with a branch.
(e) Using coloured or black paper, create a mosaic or picture or silhouette on
white paper to show some aspect of the reef.
(f) Using scraps of coloured paper and a large sheet of butcher's paper, make a
collage inspired by a reef cross-section or a reef food web.
(g) Make origami (paper folding) fish and suspend on a mobile.
(h) Make a fish mobile, using fish shapes cut from paper or card, suspended by
cotton or fishing line, to be hung in the classroom. These can also be made
from coloured cellophane or coloured tissue paper, with fine wire supports
(florist's wire) to permit light to show through shapes.
(i) Make 3D replicas of fish, shells, sea stars or any other suitable living or dead
reef organism using plaster of Paris, plasticine or clay (permit needed). If you
use plaster of Paris, you need about 1 kg of plaster in a basin with fresh water
to mix to a paste. Press the animal briefly into damp sand to form a mould.
Return it to its original site. Then pour freshly mixed plaster into the mould,
and wait till it is set. Dispose of waste plaster carefully.
(j) Design a logo suitable for using on the proposed field trip to the reef. It
should be suitable for black and white reproduction.
(k) Design a poster showing dangerous marine organisms of the Capricornia
group area. (This should preferably be in colour and have some type of scale.)
This could be prepared beforehand and displayed on the field trip.
(I) Do
spray painting of leaf shapes using a piece of gauze wire, toothbrush and
water/plastic paint (can be used for species identification).
(m) Make a "bark" painting on a card (postcard size).
(n) Make a design on a T-shirt by making a stencil from a piece of self-adhesive
Contact and painting fabric paint over it with a brush. The design could be a
reef shape or symbol. Cut the design as an aperture in the plastic with a razor
blade or Stanley knife. Place a wad of newspaper inside the T-shirt. Strip the
backing paper off the plastic, press the plastic on to the T-shirt and then paint
on the colour. Leave the shirt to dry. Iron the shirt before washing to set the
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