Reef Activities - page 70

Ideas for further things to do
9. Discuss the zoning strategy for the reef you are visiting. Does it have a reef
appreciation area? Does it have a seasonal closure area? If so, why do you
think it has these? Why are some parts of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
set aside as "replenishment areas"?
10. Locate information about coral trout. Draw a diagram of a coral trout and
make notes on the habitat of coral trout. Seek information on coral trout
surveys carried out under the auspices of GBRMPA. Why are the surveys done
and what have been their findings and significance? Try to find out how many
coral trout are caught at the reef you are visiting. What about catches during
previous trips by members of your group?
11. With other members of your group discuss and make a list of some reasons
for and against going fishing at the Reef. How important are each of these
reasons in your view?
12. Do you think that the principle of catching only "enough fish for one meal" is
a worthwhile one? Why?
13. In some parts of Australia, there are legal limits, called bag limits, on how
many fish can be caught by a recreational fisherman in any one day. Do you
think that such bag limits should also apply in the Great Barrier Reef area?
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