Reef Activities - page 58

9. ( ()nude' Illy following queNtiom ut felatum to your obwivation
(a) Do you believe parrotfish would have an effect on the growth rate o
(b) what would
limit the distribution of parrotfish?
(c) How would a Crown-of-Thorns starfish plague affect parrotfish
populations on a coral reef? How would this affect the predators of
Ideas for further things to do
10. Distinguishing between parrotfish species can be difficult. You may like to
consult the list of references given below. With the aid of these texts, carefully
mark in your slate diagram distinguishing features of three different species. It
will be quite a feat if you can go on to the reef and find these species. You
may also like to research sexual dichromatism from the references given.
Coleman, N. 1981.
Australian sea fishes north of
30°5. Sydney: Doubleday.
Carcasson, R.H. 1977.
A field guide to the reef fishes of tropical Australia and the
Endo-Pacific region.
London: Collins.
Grant, E. 1978.
Brisbane: Dept Primary Industry.
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