Reef Activities - page 43

Research methods
You wit need:
A straight streatch of reef crest
two sticks same size and weight (oranges or coconuts can also be used)
data sheet, pencil, hard surface to write on
watch with second hand
What to do
Mark out 5 stations, 15 metres apart on the beach with
your foot.
You are going to study longshore drift in close
and out far. Decide which partner is going to
throw the orange far and which close.
At a pre-arranged signal, such as a whistle, look
to your teacher. At the second signal, and it
must be emphasisedpre-arranged, you caste
your oranges into the sea and the timekeeper
starts the watch.
You then follow your oranges and any vari-
ations. If the orange comes in, you should
throw it out again.
After one minute the timekeeper signals and you
are to mark the position of your orange in the
sand opposite where the orange is. After two,
three, four and five minutes, recording data
accurately in the tables provided.
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