Reef Activities - page 37

4. 11 Complete a worksheet on dangerous reef creatures and reef first aid
Answers are given to this one and are upside down on page 11
1 Complete a low tide reef walk and answer a series of questions about reef animals
1 2
What makes the sand for this island? (The parrot fish, waves, animals and plants dying) Describe the
shapes of any threee types of corals
6. [ ] Snorkel confidently at high tide close to the campsite to the satisfaction of your teacher ...
1 4
Just sight the signature on the bottom of the page and tick the box.
7. H
Snorkel at low fide in a reef pool
1 5
T.O.What was it like? (Great) How long did you stay in the water? (About 20 minutes ..Average) Why so short
a time (Bloody cold) varies.
8. 11 Feed some fish with bread describing some fish behaviour
1 4
TO. What did you use to feel the fish? (Bread. How was it?....
9, tj Walk around the cay describing differences from one side to the other in the daytime
1 9
TO. On what side are the trees the shortest? (The windward..other side..) What did the beach at the end of the
cay look like. (It got all rubbly.. was pointy...was diferent). What did you notice about the sand at the tip of the
cay?(It gets more gritty because the wave action is greater here and only large sand grains arfe heavy enough to stay.
The smaller ones get carried away.) Did the tree types change at the end of the cay? Yes only casurinas are
found at the western end. By the way where is N<S<E<W>?
1 0. 11 Walk around the cay at night describing differences from the day
(There are Ghost crabs in their squiilions. Some turtles ??, Birds roosting, manta rays, stingrays in close to
shore eating the plpples..
1 1. [1 Find, observe and describe one association between animals or animals and plants
TQ. Which one did you find? Play it by ear.
1 2. 11 Identify, recall and describe at least three plants , three fish and five invertebrates
TO. Which ones did you find? Play it by ear.
1 3. [1 Prepare and cook a camp meal washing and tidying up afterwards
Check the box for their peers signature. They have to have it signed by one, two ?? of their peers. Over
to you....
1 4. [1 Maintain a clean and hygen c campsite
Over to you.
The importance of these 14 makes or breaks the standards set by you. When we first started these trips
some got away with doing precious little because we were learning. We now have a good standard
but it can get even better if you tell me the things that you liked and didnt like about this book. Please give
me some feedback.
Thanks Bob Moffatt, Telephone: (075) 39 4187. Tell me the good bits first.
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