Reef Activities - page 36

These are suggested prompt questions to he you check these critena
You will need:
A deck chair and hat
A cool drink, magazine and pen
What to do:
Take up a vantage point overlooking the reef. Read your magazine until the first student comes un, then
ask for this excursion booklet. In many
students copy off each other. This technique is
designed to force the student who has copied to go back and learn thework.
Its impossible to be perfect here, but the stduent who has done the work should know the answers
straight off. If the student seems to know what the activity was about, check the written work. If it
becomes obvious that the work was copied, send the student back to learn the answers. If the student
is having difficulty give assistance. You don't have to ask all the questions. They are there so you can
learn also and you can
play a part.
I've seen teachers treat thecamp like a holiday. If you treat it like a
holiday, so will the students
the word will get back that it
was a
holiday and that will spell the end of
reef trips in school time. That's putting it a bit blunt, but that's what will happen. You should split up the
tasks taking responsibility for a particular group.
SA = Possible student answer
TO = Teacher question to check ifthe student did the activity
( ) -_,. Reason for answer and its importance expressed in very blunt language. Remember you will have to
deal with 50 students and a possible 30 criteria so you you will have to be quick.
Questions and possible answers for Sound Achievers
[] Write a conservation code consistent with the marine park rules
S.A Lollie paers in bag and taken home, All rubbish in bag and taken back to mainland, crap in the can and
not in the bush, use common walking tracks to beach, don't take shells home, dont fish in the green zones.
T. O.
Why do lollie papers kill Ghost Crab? (Trap burrows and suffocate) Why does rubbish kill baby turtles?
(Increases seagull population who are not natural island predators) Why should you stick to a common
walking track when going to the beach? (Protect natural dune vegetation, holds pioneer vegetation in
tact and so stabilizes vegetation behind. Prevents possible blow out) Why crap in the can and not in the
bush? (Keep vegetation in tact. Places for noddy terns to nest). Why not take shells home? (Dead
shells make home for hermit crabs or breakdown to form sand which makes coral island)
[] Demonstrate a knowledge of the zoning of the reef park by correctly obeying park rules
T. Q.
Where is the green zone on this island? (Between the yellow markers on the beach). Why have a green zon
(So people can see the reef in a reef apreciation area) What can't you do there (Spearfish, Fish, Moor a boat
or generally, rape pillage or plunder) What can you do there? (Snorkel, reef walk and admire the beauty)
[] Complete a first aid table from a group discussion
Whats the first aid for
(You should know the answer)
would you
do If
stood on a
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