Reef Activities - page 28

Brown algae
Green algae
Some plants, called algae, live on rocks or
coral. Don't confuse the sea anemones or
corals with plants, because they have a system
that requires feeding on living materials.
Look on the rocks or corals for different
coloured algaes or seaweeds. Look at the ways
these plants attach themselves to the rocks and
once again learn three. Draw them on your
underwater paper and find out their names
Fig Some
plants that you can see
when you get home.
• To cooperate as a group in organising the meals for your trip.
You will need
• Writing materials
• Information from the field-trip organiser about facilities which will be
available for cooking at the island and about arrangements already made (if
any) for food supplies.
What to do
1. Discuss the roles each of you wishes to play in cooking, depending
upon what
facilities you will have. This will depend on which island you
are visiting.
2. Make a list
of jobs.
3. Plan what food and equipment to take. How is the food going to be
purchased? You may need to get a list of food prices before
you can make
your plan.
4. Decide how you are going to transport food and equipment.
5. Decide how you are going to store food and equipment.
6. Submit a complete organisation plan for your group based
on the following:
• Cooking roster (includes days,
names of
those doing the
and washing up, as well as those who will be cooking)
Get your group leader to tick the following saying when it ocurred
Prepare and cook a camp meal Day .................. Meal ...................... Verification........................
Wash and tidy up
Meal ......................
1 4 •
Maintain a clean and hygenic campsite Verification
Record here your feelings about those who do not help wash up, are always slack around the campsite,
sleep in while others have to do the work, always scunge off others, are too lazy to move their backsides
and are genegilly bad group members and need a good kick in the
Activity Plants that live in the sea
Equally imponant to the sea's ecology are the
plants. They supply the oxygen that the
animals live on.
Willingness to
Tolerance and
respect for
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