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1982 STAQ Field Methods Trial

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ISBN : None allocated

Published Date : 01 June 1982

Product Code : 1982 STAQ

Format : Free PDF for download

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Teachers Information

First attempt to document what kids in boats could do in marine science with low cost equipment

Many activities came from a workshop run by Drs Jack Marsh and David Tulip from the Mt Gravatt College of Advanced Education,  who ran a teachers workshop at the Boyne Island Field Study Centre in 1980.  

Here we were introduced to low cost field equipment and how plankton could be collected and identified.  The workshop was funded from the GOSP schools commission grant and lit the spark from which many of todays marine science experiments came from.

We also tried out the hatch meters that were supposed to meaure salinity and dissolved oxygen.

The DO was a nightmare and it relied on osmosis and to get the correct seals, just did not work.  Maybe some trainign would have been useful, but in those days all equipment arrived with a poorly written manual and it was really hard to figure things out.

I don't think you can make Chromic Acid today and many of the chemical techniques have been repalced with meters and probes.  


The benefits of using chemicals are

  • Every student gets a go at taking measurements
  • Students learn the importance of wearing personal protection 
  • There is an element of danger
  • There is a greater skill in being careful
  • Disposal of waste can be taught


Laboratory methods

  • Glassware
  • Apparatus for holding Glassware
  • The Triple Beam Balance
  • Burettes
  • Correct use of Glassware
  • Some practice - Making Chromic Acid
  • Oceanographic Units and Measurements

Salt water chemistry 

  • Limits of Tolerance 
  • Temperatures in Estuaries 
  • Salinity
  • Sediments and Turbidity
  • Turbidity and Oxygen
  • The importance of Oxygen
  • Biological Oxygen Demand 
  • Other Aspects of Sea Water 


  • Environmental effects of Temperature
  • Making Salt Water 
  • Measuring Salinity of a Sea Water Sample
  • Measuring the Total Dissolved and Suspended  solids
  • Measuring the Dissolved Oxygen Content
  • Measuring the Biological Oxygen Demand 
  • Measuring the Acidity of Sea Water
  • Measuring the Carbon Dioxide Concentration

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